a trip cut short

We ventured off to see the last little corner of Zimbabwe that we had not yet been too, and we were so excited to hang out for the long weekend. However, a couple hours into our trip, it was cut short when we were hit by a drunk driver. We went off the road and ended up in a ditch only to see the driver flee the scene. There were many witnesses though who knew the guy (welcome to small town Zim) and we were very well taken care of by the Chivu police department. It was a pretty bad wreck and the car had to be towed back to Harare. J has some amazing driving skills though and managed to keep everyone safe and the car upright. The police officer said that accidents happen in this same spot every week and she had never seen a car not flip. We were blessed and everyone walked out of the car without even a scratch. Incredibly thankful! We knew the kids were ok when the first thing Grant said was, “are the eggs alright?!” They didn’t understand why we couldn’t continue our trip since everyone was fine and in the end everyone was bummed to be headed home.

Hanging out and enjoying each other just before the crash…

IMG_3260The scene and the damage…

accidentHanging out in the police station while we waited for the Embassy to come and pick us up and take us home…


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